Changelog for 2.60.1

  • security fix
  • major bug fix
  • bug fix
  • major enhancement
  • enhancement
Community feedback:

What's new in 2.60.1 (2017-06-21)

2.60.1 is the first Jenkins LTS release that requires Java 8 to run. If you're using the Maven Project type, please note that it needs to use a JDK capable of running Jenkins, i.e. JDK 8 or up. If you configure an older JDK in a Maven Project, Jenkins will attempt to find a newer JDK and use that automatically. If your SSH Build Agents fail to start and you have the plugin install the JRE to run them, make sure to update SSH Build Agents Plugin to at least version 1.17 (1.20 recommended).
Changes since 2.60:
Notable changes since 2.46.3: