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[FIXED JENKINS-30798] SCMBinder was calling the wrong overload of SCM…
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There is no need to consider SCMSourceCriteria here, nor to inspect unrelated branches.
It was also not dealing gracefully with problems such as deleted branches.
  • Loading branch information
jglick committed Nov 2, 2015
1 parent 00c8c62 commit 1d791a9
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Showing 3 changed files with 72 additions and 8 deletions.
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package org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps;

import hudson.AbortException;
import hudson.Extension;
import hudson.FilePath;
import hudson.model.Action;
Expand All @@ -40,7 +41,6 @@
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import jenkins.model.Jenkins;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.persistence.PersistIn;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ public String getScriptPath() {
if (!scriptFile.absolutize().getRemote().replace('\\', '/').startsWith(dir.absolutize().getRemote().replace('\\', '/') + '/')) { // TODO JENKINS-26838
throw new IOException(scriptFile + " is not inside " + dir);
if (!scriptFile.exists()) {
throw new AbortException(scriptFile + " not found");
script = scriptFile.readToString();
} finally {
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Expand Up @@ -84,14 +84,15 @@ class SCMBinder extends FlowDefinition {
throw new IllegalStateException(branch.getSourceId() + " not found");
SCMHead head = branch.getHead();
SCMRevision tip = scmSource.fetch(, listener).result();
if (tip == null) {
// TODO observed (but not now reproducible) after trying to rebuild projects without rerunning branch indexing
// Perhaps because above we are calling the wrong `fetch` overload? (Simpler to pass SCMHead + TaskListener.)
throw new IllegalStateException("could not find branch tip on " + head);
SCMRevision tip = scmSource.fetch(head, listener);
SCM scm;
if (tip != null) {
scm =, tip);
} else {
listener.error("Could not determine exact tip revision of " + branch.getName() + "; falling back to nondeterministic checkout");
// Build might fail later anyway, but reason should become clear: for example, branch was deleted before indexing could run.
scm = branch.getScm();
SCM scm =, tip);
// Fallback if one is needed: scm = branch.getScm()
CpsFlowExecution execution = new CpsScmFlowDefinition(scm, WorkflowMultiBranchProject.SCRIPT).create(handle, listener, actions);
scms.put(execution, scm); // stash for later
return execution;
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package org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch;

import hudson.ExtensionList;
import hudson.Util;
import hudson.model.Result;
import hudson.model.RootAction;
import hudson.plugins.mercurial.MercurialInstallation;
import hudson.plugins.mercurial.MercurialSCMSource;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,4 +231,62 @@ public class SCMBinderTest {

@Test public void deletedJenkinsfile() throws Exception {
story.addStep(new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
sampleGitRepo.write("Jenkinsfile", "node { echo 'Hello World' }");
sampleGitRepo.git("add", "Jenkinsfile");
sampleGitRepo.git("commit", "--all", "--message=flow");
WorkflowMultiBranchProject mp = story.j.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowMultiBranchProject.class, "p");
mp.getSourcesList().add(new BranchSource(new GitSCMSource(null, sampleGitRepo.toString(), "", "*", "", false), new DefaultBranchPropertyStrategy(new BranchProperty[0])));
WorkflowJob p = WorkflowMultiBranchProjectTest.scheduleAndFindBranchProject(mp, "master");
assertEquals(1, mp.getItems().size());
WorkflowRun b1 = p.getLastBuild();
assertEquals(1, b1.getNumber());
sampleGitRepo.git("rm", "Jenkinsfile");
sampleGitRepo.git("commit", "--all", "--message=remove");
WorkflowRun b2 = story.j.assertBuildStatus(Result.FAILURE, p.scheduleBuild2(0).get());
story.j.assertLogContains("Jenkinsfile not found", b2);

@Test public void deletedBranch() throws Exception {
story.addStep(new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
// TODO GitSCMSource offers no way to set a GitSCMExtension such as CleanBeforeCheckout; work around with deleteDir
// (without cleaning, b2 will succeed since the workspace will still have a cached origin/feature ref)
sampleGitRepo.write("Jenkinsfile", "node {deleteDir(); checkout scm; echo 'Hello World'}");
sampleGitRepo.git("add", "Jenkinsfile");
sampleGitRepo.git("commit", "--all", "--message=flow");
sampleGitRepo.git("checkout", "-b", "feature");
sampleGitRepo.write("somefile", "stuff");
sampleGitRepo.git("add", "somefile");
sampleGitRepo.git("commit", "--all", "--message=tweaked");
WorkflowMultiBranchProject mp = story.j.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowMultiBranchProject.class, "p");
mp.getSourcesList().add(new BranchSource(new GitSCMSource(null, sampleGitRepo.toString(), "", "*", "", false), new DefaultBranchPropertyStrategy(new BranchProperty[0])));
WorkflowJob p = WorkflowMultiBranchProjectTest.scheduleAndFindBranchProject(mp, "feature");
assertEquals(2, mp.getItems().size());
WorkflowRun b1 = p.getLastBuild();
assertEquals(1, b1.getNumber());
sampleGitRepo.git("checkout", "master");
sampleGitRepo.git("branch", "-D", "feature");
{ // TODO AbstractGitSCMSource.retrieve is incorrect: after fetching remote refs into the cache, the origin/feature ref remains locally even though it has been deleted upstream:
Util.deleteRecursive(new File(story.j.jenkins.getRootDir(), "caches"));
WorkflowRun b2 = story.j.assertBuildStatus(Result.FAILURE, p.scheduleBuild2(0).get());
story.j.assertLogContains("nondeterministic checkout", b2); // SCMBinder
story.j.assertLogContains("any revision to build", b2); // checkout scm
assertEquals(1, mp.getItems().size());


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