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Merge branch 'JENKINS-31138' into neo
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Thierry Lacour committed Jan 4, 2016
2 parents d17d5af + 3d2cd0c commit fa0bd61
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Showing 3 changed files with 173 additions and 87 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -469,7 +469,8 @@ public void handlePostBuild(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildL
// The purpose of this section of code is to disallow usage of the master or integration branch as the polling branch.
// TODO: This branch check should be moved to job configuration check method.
String devBranchName = gitDataBranch.getName();
if (devBranchName.contains("master") || devBranchName.contains(integrationBranch)) {
if (devBranchName.equals("master") || devBranchName.equals(getRepoName() + "/master")
|| devBranchName.equals(integrationBranch)|| devBranchName.equals(getRepoName() + "/" + integrationBranch) ) {
String msg = "Using the master or integration branch for polling and development is not "
+ "allowed since it will attempt to merge it to other branches and delete it after. Failing build.";
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, msg);
Expand Down

This file was deleted.

@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
package org.jenkinsci.plugins.pretestedintegration.integration.scm.git;

import hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild;
import hudson.model.FreeStyleProject;
import hudson.model.Result;
import hudson.plugins.git.BranchSpec;
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.GitSCMExtension;
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.CleanCheckout;
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.PruneStaleBranch;
import hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM;
import hudson.plugins.git.SubmoduleConfig;
import hudson.plugins.git.UserRemoteConfig;
import hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData;
import hudson.scm.SCM;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals;
import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertTrue;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.pretestedintegration.PretestedIntegrationBuildWrapper;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.pretestedintegration.PretestedIntegrationPostCheckout;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.pretestedintegration.scm.git.GitBridge;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.pretestedintegration.scm.git.SquashCommitStrategy;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.jvnet.hudson.test.JenkinsRule;

* Pretested integration does not allow users to push 'master' or the integration
* branch as 'ready' branches. as they would end up being deleted.
* We don't allow this, even though it could be valid, to protect most people
* from wrongly configuring the plugin and destroying their branches.
public class IntegrationBranchNameRestrictions_IT {

public JenkinsRule jenkinsRule = new JenkinsRule();

public Repository repository;

public void tearDown() throws Exception {

// Tests if pretested denies 'master' as a branch to integrate
public void integrateMasterBranch() throws Exception {

repository = TestUtilsFactory.createRepoWithoutBranches("master");

List<GitSCMExtension> gitSCMExtensions = new ArrayList<>();
gitSCMExtensions.add(new PruneStaleBranch());
gitSCMExtensions.add(new CleanCheckout());

SCM gitSCM1 = new GitSCM(Collections.singletonList(new UserRemoteConfig("file://" + repository.getDirectory().getAbsolutePath(), null, null, null)),
Collections.singletonList(new BranchSpec("master")),
false, Collections.<SubmoduleConfig>emptyList(),
null, null, gitSCMExtensions);

FreeStyleProject project = jenkinsRule.createFreeStyleProject();
GitBridge gitBridge = new GitBridge(new SquashCommitStrategy(), "master", "origin");

project.getBuildWrappersList().add(new PretestedIntegrationBuildWrapper(gitBridge));
project.getPublishersList().add(new PretestedIntegrationPostCheckout());



FreeStyleBuild build1 = project.getLastBuild();

System.out.println("==build1 actions==");
for (BuildData action : build1.getActions(BuildData.class)) {
String console = jenkinsRule.createWebClient().getPage(build1, "console").asText();
System.out.println("===Result check 1===");
String msg = "Using the master or integration branch for polling and development is not "
+ "allowed since it will attempt to merge it to other branches and delete it after. Failing build.";
System.out.println("===Result check 2===");
assertEquals("Unexpected build result.", Result.FAILURE, build1.getResult());
System.out.println("===Result check done===");

// Tests if branches with names similar to master don't fail (JENKINS-31138)
public void branchContainingMasterDoesntFail() throws Exception {
// Create the test repository
String repoName = "JENKINS_31138_master";
repository = TestUtilsFactory.createRepository(repoName, new ArrayList<TestCommit>() {
add(new TestCommit("master", "", "# Title", "Commit 1: readme"));
add(new TestCommit("ready/king_master", "", "## Subtitle", "Commit 2: readme"));

// Clone test repo
File workDir = new File(repoName);
Git.cloneRepository().setURI("file:///" + repository.getDirectory().getAbsolutePath()).setDirectory(workDir)
Git git =;

// Build the project, assert SUCCESS
FreeStyleProject project = TestUtilsFactory.configurePretestedIntegrationPlugin(jenkinsRule, TestUtilsFactory.STRATEGY_TYPE.SQUASH, repository);
FreeStyleBuild build = project.getLastBuild();
String consoleOutput = jenkinsRule.createWebClient().getPage(build, "console").asText();
jenkinsRule.assertBuildStatus(Result.SUCCESS, build);
RevCommit lastCommit = git.log().setMaxCount(1).call().iterator().next();
String commitMessage = lastCommit.getFullMessage();

assertEquals("Expected commit 2 message.", "Commit 2: readme", commitMessage);

// Tests if branches with names similar to the integration branch don't fail (JENKINS-31138)
public void branchContainingIntegrationBranchDoesntFail() throws Exception {
// Create the test repository
String repoName = "JENKINS_31138_integration";
repository = TestUtilsFactory.createRepository(repoName, new ArrayList<TestCommit>() {
add(new TestCommit("master", "fun.groovy", "", "Commit 1: groovy"));
add(new TestCommit("main", "fun.groovy", "println 'fun'", "Commit 2: groovy"));
add(new TestCommit("ready/main_sub", "fun.groovy", "println 'more fun", "Commit 3: groovy"));

// Clone test repo
File workDir = new File(repoName);
Git.cloneRepository().setURI("file:///" + repository.getDirectory().getAbsolutePath()).setDirectory(workDir)
Git git =;

// Build the project, assert SUCCESS
FreeStyleProject project = TestUtilsFactory.configurePretestedIntegrationPlugin(jenkinsRule, TestUtilsFactory.STRATEGY_TYPE.SQUASH, repository, true, "main");
FreeStyleBuild build = project.getLastBuild();
String consoleOutput = jenkinsRule.createWebClient().getPage(build, "console").asText();
jenkinsRule.assertBuildStatus(Result.SUCCESS, build);
RevCommit lastCommit = git.log().setMaxCount(1).call().iterator().next();
String commitMessage = lastCommit.getFullMessage();

assertEquals("Expected commit 3 message.", "Commit 3: groovy", commitMessage);

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