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New features:
Added support for GCC 4.8.2/4.3.2

Developed test tools to make the  writing of tests easier
Improved and expanded upon existing tests through the use of mentioned test tools
Tests using the mentioned test tools now run on slaves
Made plugin configuration more flexible, e.g. allowing multiple parsers
Improved the README, including some developer oriented documentation
Minor formatting and refactoring in various classes
  • Loading branch information
thi committed Jul 7, 2015
1 parent 9fde3f2 commit 9742d92
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Showing 62 changed files with 7,534 additions and 1,240 deletions.
38 changes: 32 additions & 6 deletions
@@ -1,9 +1,35 @@
Memory Map plugin
This readme file mostly contains developer oriented documentation.
For user oriented documentation, please see the [plugin's Jenkins wiki page](

A repository for the memory-map-plugin
The Memory Map plugin provides assistance for monitoring the memory map created by a linker. It is especially useful when development is being conducted in conditions where memory is limited, e.g. when developing for an embedded system.
It allows for displaying memory map values throughout builds in a graph, making it easier to follow up on memory usage.

- Invalid builds are not considered when drawing a graph, so builds with configuration errors will not be included
- Max value markers are drawn on project basis, and are not stored as part of build info
- The plugin needs 2 files available to function, the first one is the linker command file, the second one is the actual .map file. The linker command file takes precedence
- The plugin reports values in either kb or kWords. Word size is configurable.
###Plugin repositories
* [Jenkins CI's repository on GitHub](
* [Praqma's repository on GitHub](

###Automated builds
* [Praqma's Memory Map plugin build view](
* [Maven project Memory Map Plugin](

* [Memory Map plugin's Trello board](

###Wiki and issue tracker
User oriented documentation can be found on the wiki:
* [Memory Map plugin's Jenkins wiki page](

Issues are tracked using the Jenkins JIRA issue tracker:
* [Memory Map on JIRA](


We happily accept pull requests on [Praqma's Memory Map GitHub repository](, where we also release from. **Do not make pull requests on the [Jenkins CI GitHub Repository](** - it is only used as final archive for released versions.

* Please reference a JIRA issue in your pull request.
* Please either include tests for your code changes or make sure your changes are covered by existing tests.
* Unless you are contributing a simple bugfix or feature implementation, please consult the [Memory Map plugin's Trello board]( to discuss implementation ideas.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions check_for_changelog.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
require 'open3'
require 'docopt'
require "pp"
require 'fileutils'
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'

doc = <<DOCOPT
Check there is a changelog entry on URL that matches the current project version in the pom (if removing snapshot).
then there must be a changelog entry on URL (could be
h5. Version 2.2.3
Script could of course be improved to to take regexp to look for etc.
#{__FILE__} URL
#{__FILE__} -h
URL URL to look for changelog entry "h5. Version %VERSION", where %VERSION matches version in pom xml
-h --help show this help message and exit

if __FILE__ == $0
params = Docopt::docopt(doc)
pp params

version = "none"
result = false
found = false
max_lines_to_check = 30 # only check first 30 lines, and the project version is there, "r").each_line do |line|
if (max_lines_to_check < 0) then
if mymatch = line.match('<version>([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)-SNAPSHOT</version>') then
# matchdata returned:
#pp mymatch[0] # matches the hole line
#pp mymatch[1] # matches the grouping around the version number
if mymatch[1].match(/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/) then ## extra check
# This how the plugin need the environment variables
found = true
version = mymatch[1]
pp "Found version number in pom to be: #{ version }"
#pp line
max_lines_to_check = max_lines_to_check - 1

page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(params["URL"]))
# Find all "a" tags with a parent tag whose name is "h5"
# as we know h3 is the version number headers in the changelog
# <h5><a name="PretestedIntegrationPlugin-Version2.2.3"></a>Version 2.2.3</h5>

page.xpath('//h5/a').each do |node|
# nodes look like this:
# #(Element:0x10970bc {
# name = "a",
# attributes = [
# #(Attr:0x1096d4c {
# name = "name",
# value = "PretestedIntegrationPlugin-Version2.2.3"
# })]
# })

# node["name"] will look like: PretestedIntegrationPlugin-Version2.2.3
if mymatch = /PretestedIntegrationPlugin-Version([\d|\.]+.*)/.match(node["name"]) then
if mymatch[1] == version then
pp "Found match with version and changelog entry on web page - great job!"
result = true

if not result then
abort("Could find any changelog entry on the url - please create a changelog")

rescue Docopt::Exit => e
puts "ERROR - #{ __FILE__ } - wrong usage.\n" << e.message
abort() # needed for non zero exit code

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