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[FIXED JENKINS-48196] Remove redundant branch names from case displays
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If we've got a suite with a stage inside a parallel branch where the
stage and parallel branch have the same name, we should only include
that name once in the suite/case/etc display name - it's redundant to
display it twice.

There is a potential gotcha here if you've got multiple stages inside
a branch and one of those stages has the same name as the branch, but
I think that's an edge case we can live with for now.
  • Loading branch information
abayer committed Nov 23, 2017
1 parent f207e31 commit d49e21a
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Expand Up @@ -101,10 +101,14 @@ public static List<String> getEnclosingBlockIds(@Nonnull List<FlowNode> nodes) {
public static List<String> getEnclosingBlockNames(@Nonnull List<FlowNode> nodes) {
List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
for (FlowNode n : nodes) {
ThreadNameAction threadNameAction = n.getAction(ThreadNameAction.class);
LabelAction labelAction = n.getAction(LabelAction.class);
ThreadNameAction threadNameAction = n.getPersistentAction(ThreadNameAction.class);
LabelAction labelAction = n.getPersistentAction(LabelAction.class);
if (threadNameAction != null) {
// If we're on a parallel branch with the same name as the previous (inner) node, that generally
// means we're in a Declarative parallel stages situation, so don't add the redundant branch name.
if (names.isEmpty() || !threadNameAction.getThreadName().equals(names.get(names.size()-1))) {
} else if (labelAction != null) {
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Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.jvnet.hudson.test.BuildWatcher;
import org.jvnet.hudson.test.Issue;
import org.jvnet.hudson.test.JenkinsRule;
import org.jvnet.hudson.test.TestExtension;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,6 +242,43 @@ public void parallelInStage() throws Exception {
assertStageResults(r, 5, 10, "first");

public void stageInParallel() throws Exception {
WorkflowJob j = rule.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "stageInParallel");
FilePath ws = rule.jenkins.getWorkspaceFor(j);
FilePath testFile = ws.child("first-result.xml");
FilePath secondTestFile = ws.child("second-result.xml");
FilePath thirdTestFile = ws.child("third-result.xml");

j.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition("stage('outer') {\n" +
" node {\n" +
" parallel(a: { stage('a') { def first = junit(testResults: 'first-result.xml'); assert first.totalCount == 6 } },\n" +
" b: { stage('b') { def second = junit(testResults: 'second-result.xml'); assert second.totalCount == 1 } },\n" +
" c: { stage('d') { def third = junit(testResults: 'third-result.xml'); assert third.totalCount == 3 } })\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n", true
WorkflowRun r = rule.assertBuildStatus(Result.UNSTABLE,
TestResultAction action = r.getAction(TestResultAction.class);
assertEquals(5, action.getResult().getSuites().size());
assertEquals(10, action.getTotalCount());

// assertBranchResults looks to make sure the display names for tests are "(stageName) / (branchName) / (testName)"
// That should still effectively be the case here, even though there's a stage inside each branch, because the
// branch and nested stage have the same name.
assertBranchResults(r, 1, 6, "a", "outer");
assertBranchResults(r, 1, 1, "b", "outer");
// ...except for branch c. That contains a stage named 'd', so its test should have display names like
// "outer / c / d / (testName)"
assertBranchResults(r, 3, 3, -1, "c", "outer", "d");

public void testTrends() throws Exception {
WorkflowJob j = rule.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "testTrends");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,17 +365,22 @@ public boolean apply(@Nullable FlowNode input) {

public static void assertBranchResults(WorkflowRun run, int suiteCount, int testCount, String branchName, String stageName) {
assertBranchResults(run, suiteCount, testCount, -1, branchName, stageName);
assertBranchResults(run, suiteCount, testCount, -1, branchName, stageName, null);

public static void assertBranchResults(WorkflowRun run, int suiteCount, int testCount, int failCount, String branchName, String stageName) {
public static void assertBranchResults(WorkflowRun run, int suiteCount, int testCount, int failCount, String branchName, String stageName,
String innerStageName) {
FlowExecution execution = run.getExecution();
DepthFirstScanner scanner = new DepthFirstScanner();
FlowNode aBranch = scanner.findFirstMatch(execution, branchForName(branchName));
TestResult branchResult = assertBlockResults(run, suiteCount, testCount, failCount, aBranch);
String namePrefix = stageName + " / " + branchName;
if (innerStageName != null) {
namePrefix += " / " + innerStageName;
for (CaseResult c : branchResult.getPassedTests()) {
assertEquals(stageName + " / " + branchName + " / " + c.getTransformedTestName(), c.getDisplayName());
assertEquals(namePrefix + " / " + c.getTransformedTestName(), c.getDisplayName());

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