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[JENKINS-51140] Essentials Error Telemetry API (#107)
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* [JENKINS-51140] Design (JEP) what the Error Telemetry API will be

* Give more precisions about query/answer payloads

Also fix the link: I meant JEP 303 for Registrations and authentication,
not 307.

* Add rationale why (for now) we don't handle batch sending logs

* Switch to use a JSON node instead of stringified JSON from the client side

* Bump to ~ 1 MB max and clarify associated sentence

* /errorTelemetry => /telemetry/error to be more REST-ish

* Use `POST` exclusively

* Add reliability concern from client to server

* Referencing feedback thread on the dev ML

* Recommend storing the UUID alongside with log entries

* Assign JEP-308

* DRAFT and formatting
  • Loading branch information
batmat authored and bitwiseman committed May 17, 2018
1 parent c17210e commit 20e4010
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Showing 2 changed files with 285 additions and 0 deletions.
281 changes: 281 additions & 0 deletions jep/308/README.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
= JEP-308: Essentials Error Telemetry API
:toc: preamble
:toclevels: 3
:tip-caption: :bulb:
:note-caption: :information_source:
:important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark:
:caution-caption: :fire:
:warning-caption: :warning:

| 308

| Title
| Essentials Error Telemetry API

| Sponsor

// Use the script `set-jep-status <jep-number> <status>` to update the status.
| Status
| Draft :speech_balloon:

| Type
| Standards

| Created
| 2018-06-07
// Uncomment if there is an associated placeholder JIRA issue.
// Uncomment if there will be a BDFL delegate for this JEP.
//| BDFL-Delegate
//| :bulb: Link to github user page :bulb:
// Uncomment if discussion will occur in forum other than jenkinsci-dev@ mailing list.
//| Discussions-To
//| :bulb: Link to where discussion and final status announcement will occur :bulb:
// Uncomment if this JEP depends on one or more other JEPs.
| Requires
| link:[JEP-300], link:[JEP-303].
// Uncomment and fill if this JEP is rendered obsolete by a later JEP
//| Superseded-By
//| :bulb: JEP-NUMBER :bulb:
// Uncomment when this JEP status is set to Accepted, Rejected or Withdrawn.
//| Resolution
//| :bulb: Link to relevant post in the jenkinsci-dev@ mailing list archives :bulb:


== Abstract

One critical aspect of Jenkins Essentials is that the connected instances
must be upgraded automatically in a safe way.
To that end, we detect the errors that occur in these instance,
and push those to a central place to participate to the assessment of
the health level of a given instance, and by transitivity of a given
link:[_Essentials_ update level].

The current document describes what the server side API for this error logging looks like
footnote:[Basically sending the Jenkins logs defined in the link:[JEP-304]].

== Specification

=== Authentication and linking log entries to an instance

It is obviously required that the instance is registered and authenticated
to be allowed to push data to this endpoint, as described in

HTTP status code will hence be the ones defines in that specification.

=== Endpoint and expected format

We are taking a simplistic approach defining a single endpoint for error logging.

The `/telemetry/error` endpoint will simply receive a JSON message sent
via a `POST` request, with a single log entry, containing in turn the `JSON`
structure emitted locally as defined in

No other verb than `POST` will be accepted.

.Error telemetry payload
"log": {
"version": 1,
"timestamp": 1522840762769,
"name": "io.jenkins.plugins.SomeTypicalClass",
"level": "WARNING",
"message": "the message\nand another line",
"exception": {
"raw": "serialized exception\n many \n many \n lines"

.Registration Headers
Content-Type: application/json

When things are sent as expected, then the endpoint will answer
with an _HTTP-201_ and the following payload:

.Error Telemetry successful creation payload
"status": "OK"

NOTE: the log is *not* sent back as this often can be seen to avoid sending
big logs back and forth when the client is most likely not interested by what it just sent.

Should we compute a hash or something to be able to uniquely reference/find a log in the system between client and server if needed?

=== Maximum message size

The maximum size of a the global JSON message is 1 million characters (~1 MB).
This should be enough to allow receiving enough information when a stack trace is included,
and defining a maximum size seems critical to operate the service.
Hence the sender is expected to truncate the message if it is larger than this.

If the received message exceeds that maximum, the HTTP status code will be an _HTTP-413_.

.Error Telemetry failed creation payload
"status": "KO"

=== Malformed data

The client will receive a more generic _HTTP-400_.
An optional `message` field can be provided by the server in the payload
to help understand what is wrong.

.Error Telemetry failed creation payload
"status": "KO",
"message": "(optional) message to explain what made the server reject this message."

==== Meta Error Logging

When the server rejects data, be it because of exceeded message size,
or malformed message, it should reject it in some *non silent* way.
The message can be dropped, but the fact there was a rejection
shall be logged on the server side.

This is important to detect attacks, but also more simply bugs that might have
made the reporting system broken and we need to fix expeditely.

=== Rate limiting

We may define in the future the use of rate limiting.
In that case, the server will send an _HTTP-429_.

If so, the client is expected to retry _later_
(the exact meaning of _later_ will be clarified if we decide to go that path).

== Motivation

There is no existing code base or process for this feature.

== Reasoning

=== A dedicated `/telemetry/error` endpoint only for *error* logging

Despite we will define in the future endpoints for reporting other telemetry types,
like metrics telemetry, for instance like
link:[Pipeline related metrics],
we are defining a dedicated entrypoint for error logging,
and will define others for other types.

We are **not** using the same endpoint, for instance using a `type` field as those
different Telemetry _communications_ are very likely to be very different,
and it will make this easier to define router-level rules if needed.

=== Reliability concerns

Though the service is expected to be always available,
the client should be designed to handle a temporary unavailability.

=== Send logs one by one

For the current design, the client will use a single `POST` HTTP request for each log entry to send.
We expect that the number of error or warning logs emitted from the Jenkins instance to be rare (i.e. less than a few dozens per day).

So, at that stage of the project, we keep things simple.
If it proves wrong, we will be able to evolve the API to accept for instance either `log` as currently, or `logs` to directly accept an array of multiple logs in one go.

== Backwards Compatibility

As the `log` field is somehow an opaque blob content,
the compatibility concerns are more the same as defined in the
link:[JEP 304 logging format section].
But as also discussed there, using the `version` field of the message should
be enough to accomadate any schema evolution.

== Security

There are no security risks related to this proposal.

Could stack traces leak private data?

== Infrastructure Requirements

That service will need to be integrated and operated in the current Jenkins Infrastructure.

This will most likely be integrated with the existing setup for error logging, but that aspect will need more prototyping to make this clearer.

== Testing

=== Rejecting bad data

We must check that the backend does reject exceedingly big messages, or malformed logs.

=== Load Testing

The system must be tested against a reasonable amount of data,
by evaluating the expected volume in 3 to 6 months that the service is likely to receive.
This should especially be done by sending the right amount in number, but also in sizes
(mimicking clients that would be sending a lot of stack traces for example).

Probably the _load projection_ should be made here,
and tentative numbers written here as a starting point.

== Store UUID with logs

It is critical to the quality of the telemetry system to be able to find
and remove some logs originating from a rogue instance.
Be it because it is controlled by an attacker, or for any other valid reasons.

So, though not a pure API contract concern, it is important that the API
stores a way to link back a log entry to its origin.

It is recommended to store the UUID, so that the log can be linked back to
not only a given instance, but a period of time where that instance was connected.

== Prototype Implementation


== References

* link:[Meeting notes about existing setup for Error Logging in the Kubernetes cluster in the Jenkins Infrastructure].
* link:[Thread on the Jenkins Developers Mailing List].

When moving this JEP from a Draft to "Accepted" or "Final" state,
include links to the pull requests and mailing list discussions which were involved in the process.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions jep/README.adoc
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| link:307/[JEP-307: Evergreen Update Client/Server Lifecycle]
| _not specified_

| Draft :speech_balloon:
| link:308/[JEP-308: Essentials Error Telemetry API]
| _not specified_

| Draft :speech_balloon:
| link:400/[JEP-400: Jenkins X: Jenkins for Kubernetes CD]
| _not specified_
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