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Add tests of GitPublisher honoring env values
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Attempting to duplicate [JENKINS-24786] from an automated test.  Does not
duplicate the bug.  Shows that GitPublisher honors some environment
  • Loading branch information
MarkEWaite committed Oct 7, 2014
1 parent e73f2df commit 0814b69
Showing 1 changed file with 115 additions and 3 deletions.
118 changes: 115 additions & 3 deletions src/test/java/hudson/plugins/git/
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
package hudson.plugins.git;

import hudson.FilePath;
import hudson.Functions;
import hudson.Launcher;
import hudson.matrix.Axis;
import hudson.matrix.AxisList;
Expand All @@ -35,7 +37,6 @@
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.GitSCMExtension;
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.LocalBranch;
import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.PreBuildMerge;
import hudson.plugins.git.UserMergeOptions;
import hudson.scm.NullSCM;
import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
Expand All @@ -45,6 +46,7 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,18 +206,128 @@ public void testMergeAndPushWithSkipTagEnabled() throws Exception {

String sha1 = getHeadRevision(build1, "integration");
assertEquals(sha1, testRepo.git.revParse(Constants.HEAD).name());

public void testMergeAndPushWithCharacteristicEnvVar() throws Exception {
FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master");

* JOB_NAME seemed like the more obvious choice, but when run from a
* multi-configuration job, the value of JOB_NAME includes an equals
* sign. That makes log parsing and general use of the variable more
* difficult. JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE is a characteristic env var which
* probably never includes an equals sign.
String envValue = project.getCharacteristicEnvVars().get(envName, "NOT-SET");
assertFalse("Env " + envName + " not set", envValue.equals("NOT-SET"));

checkEnvVar(project, envName, envValue);

public void testMergeAndPushWithSystemEnvVar() throws Exception {
FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master");

String envName = Functions.isWindows() ? "COMPUTERNAME" : "LOGNAME";
String envValue = System.getenv().get(envName);
assertNotNull("Env " + envName + " not set", envValue);
assertFalse("Env " + envName + " empty", envValue.isEmpty());

checkEnvVar(project, envName, envValue);

private void checkEnvVar(FreeStyleProject project, String envName, String envValue) throws Exception {

String envReference = "${" + envName + "}";

List<GitSCMExtension> scmExtensions = new ArrayList<GitSCMExtension>();
scmExtensions.add(new PreBuildMerge(new UserMergeOptions("origin", envReference, null)));
scmExtensions.add(new LocalBranch(envReference));
GitSCM scm = new GitSCM(
Collections.singletonList(new BranchSpec("*")),
false, Collections.<SubmoduleConfig>emptyList(),
null, null, scmExtensions);

String tagNameReference = envReference + "-tag"; // ${BRANCH_NAME}-tag
String tagNameValue = envValue + "-tag"; // master-tag
String tagMessageReference = envReference + " tag message";
String noteReference = "note for " + envReference;
String noteValue = "note for " + envValue;
GitPublisher publisher = new GitPublisher(
Collections.singletonList(new TagToPush("origin", tagNameReference, tagMessageReference, false, true)),
Collections.singletonList(new BranchToPush("origin", envReference)),
Collections.singletonList(new NoteToPush("origin", noteReference, Constants.R_NOTES_COMMITS, false)),
true, true, true);

// create initial commit
commit("commitFileBase", johnDoe, "Initial Commit");
ObjectId initialCommit = testRepo.git.getHeadRev(testRepo.gitDir.getAbsolutePath(), "master");

// Create branch in the test repo (pulled into the project workspace at build)
assertFalse("Test repo has " + envValue + " branch", hasBranch(envValue));
assertTrue("Test repo missing " + envValue + " branch", hasBranch(envValue));
assertFalse(tagNameValue + " in " + testRepo, testRepo.git.tagExists(tagNameValue));

// Build the branch
final FreeStyleBuild build0 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, "commitFileBase");

String build0HeadBranch = getHeadRevision(build0, envValue);
assertEquals(build0HeadBranch, initialCommit.getName());
assertTrue(tagNameValue + " not in " + testRepo, testRepo.git.tagExists(tagNameValue));
assertTrue(tagNameValue + " not in build", build0.getWorkspace().child(".git/refs/tags/" + tagNameValue).exists());

// Create a topic branch in the source repository and commit to topic branch
String topicBranch = envValue + "-topic1";
assertFalse("Test repo has " + topicBranch + " branch", hasBranch(topicBranch));
testRepo.git.checkout(null, topicBranch);
assertTrue("Test repo has no " + topicBranch + " branch", hasBranch(topicBranch));
final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, "Commit number 1");
ObjectId topicCommit = testRepo.git.getHeadRev(testRepo.gitDir.getAbsolutePath(), topicBranch);

// Run a build, should be on the topic branch, tagged, and noted
final FreeStyleBuild build1 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);
FilePath myWorkspace = build1.getWorkspace();
assertTrue("Tag " + tagNameValue + " not in build", myWorkspace.child(".git/refs/tags/" + tagNameValue).exists());

String build1Head = getHeadRevision(build1, envValue);
assertEquals(build1Head, testRepo.git.revParse(Constants.HEAD).name());
assertEquals("Wrong head commit in build1", topicCommit.getName(), build1Head);


private boolean existsTag(String tag) throws InterruptedException {
Set<String> tags = git.getTagNames("*");
return tags.contains(tag);

private boolean containsTagMessage(String tag, String str) throws InterruptedException {
String msg = git.getTagMessage(tag);
return msg.contains(str);

private boolean hasBranch(String branchName) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
Set<Branch> testRepoBranches = testRepo.git.getBranches();
for (Branch branch : testRepoBranches) {
if (branch.getName().equals(branchName)) {
return true;
return false;

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