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kuisathaverat committed Jun 7, 2018
2 parents 5562aae + da13ab9 commit ac81031
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Showing 7 changed files with 318 additions and 200 deletions.
22 changes: 8 additions & 14 deletions pom.xml
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<relativePath />
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<workflow-api-plugin.version>2.28-rc341.90cc5dc659de</workflow-api-plugin.version> <!-- TODO -->
<workflow-api-plugin.version>2.28-rc343.e9b9e0610374</workflow-api-plugin.version> <!-- TODO -->

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<version>4.5.5-2.2-rc32.4a9f3bcc3908</version> <!-- TODO -->
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<version>2.8-rc351.c6608322f479</version> <!-- TODO -->
<version>2.8-rc353.ae434696120f</version> <!-- TODO -->
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package io.jenkins.plugins.artifact_manager_jclouds;

import com.github.rholder.retry.Attempt;
import com.github.rholder.retry.AttemptTimeLimiters;
import hudson.AbortException;
import hudson.EnvVars;
import hudson.FilePath;
import hudson.Launcher;
import hudson.Util;
import hudson.model.BuildListener;
import hudson.model.Run;
import hudson.model.TaskListener;
import hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel;
import hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList;
import hudson.util.DirScanner;
import io.jenkins.plugins.artifact_manager_jclouds.BlobStoreProvider.HttpMethod;
import io.jenkins.plugins.httpclient.RobustHTTPClient;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException;
Expand All @@ -39,47 +50,19 @@
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import jenkins.MasterToSlaveFileCallable;
import jenkins.model.ArtifactManager;
import jenkins.util.VirtualFile;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStoreContext;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.Blob;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.StorageMetadata;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.options.CopyOptions;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.options.ListContainerOptions;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.flow.StashManager;

import com.github.rholder.retry.RetryException;
import com.github.rholder.retry.RetryListener;
import com.github.rholder.retry.RetryerBuilder;
import com.github.rholder.retry.StopStrategies;
import com.github.rholder.retry.WaitStrategies;
import hudson.AbortException;
import hudson.EnvVars;
import hudson.FilePath;
import hudson.Launcher;
import hudson.Util;
import hudson.model.BuildListener;
import hudson.model.Computer;
import hudson.model.Run;
import hudson.model.TaskListener;
import hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel;
import hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList;
import hudson.util.DirScanner;
import io.jenkins.plugins.artifact_manager_jclouds.BlobStoreProvider.HttpMethod;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import jenkins.MasterToSlaveFileCallable;
import jenkins.model.ArtifactManager;
import jenkins.util.JenkinsJVM;
import jenkins.util.VirtualFile;
import org.kohsuke.accmod.Restricted;
import org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse;

Expand All @@ -91,6 +74,8 @@ public final class JCloudsArtifactManager extends ArtifactManager implements Sta

private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(JCloudsArtifactManager.class.getName());

static RobustHTTPClient client = new RobustHTTPClient();

private final BlobStoreProvider provider;

private transient String key; // e.g. myorg/myrepo/master/123
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,11 +133,8 @@ private static class UploadToBlobStorage extends MasterToSlaveFileCallable<Void>

private final Map<String, URL> artifactUrls; // e.g. "target/x.war", "http://..."
private final TaskListener listener;
// Bind when constructed on the master side; on the agent side, deserialize those values.
private final int stopAfterAttemptNumber = UPLOAD_STOP_AFTER_ATTEMPT_NUMBER;
private final long waitMultiplier = UPLOAD_WAIT_MULTIPLIER;
private final long waitMaximum = UPLOAD_WAIT_MAXIMUM;
private final long timeout = UPLOAD_TIMEOUT;
// Bind when constructed on the master side; on the agent side, deserialize the same configuration.
private final RobustHTTPClient client = JCloudsArtifactManager.client;

UploadToBlobStorage(Map<String, URL> artifactUrls, TaskListener listener) {
this.artifactUrls = artifactUrls;
Expand All @@ -162,9 +144,7 @@ private static class UploadToBlobStorage extends MasterToSlaveFileCallable<Void>
public Void invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
for (Map.Entry<String, URL> entry : artifactUrls.entrySet()) {
Path local = f.toPath().resolve(entry.getKey());
URL url = entry.getValue();
uploadFile(local, url, listener, stopAfterAttemptNumber, waitMultiplier, waitMaximum, timeout);
client.uploadFile(new File(f, entry.getKey()), entry.getValue(), listener);
return null;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,10 +209,7 @@ private static final class Stash extends MasterToSlaveFileCallable<Integer> {
private final boolean useDefaultExcludes;
private final String tempDir;
private final TaskListener listener;
private final int stopAfterAttemptNumber = UPLOAD_STOP_AFTER_ATTEMPT_NUMBER;
private final long waitMultiplier = UPLOAD_WAIT_MULTIPLIER;
private final long waitMaximum = UPLOAD_WAIT_MAXIMUM;
private final long timeout = UPLOAD_TIMEOUT;
private final RobustHTTPClient client = JCloudsArtifactManager.client;

Stash(URL url, String includes, String excludes, boolean useDefaultExcludes, String tempDir, TaskListener listener) throws IOException {
this.url = url;
Expand All @@ -245,7 +222,7 @@ private static final class Stash extends MasterToSlaveFileCallable<Integer> {

public Integer invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// TODO JCLOUDS-769 streaming upload is not currently straightforward, so using a temp file pending rewrite to use multipart uploads
// TODO use streaming upload rather than a temp file; is it necessary to set the content length in advance?
// (we prefer not to upload individual files for stashes, so as to preserve symlinks & file permissions, as StashManager’s default does)
Path tempDirP = Paths.get(tempDir);
Expand All @@ -258,7 +235,7 @@ public Integer invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException, Interr
throw new IOException(e);
if (count > 0) {
uploadFile(tmp, url, listener, stopAfterAttemptNumber, waitMultiplier, waitMaximum, timeout);
client.uploadFile(tmp.toFile(), url, listener);
return count;
} finally {
Expand All @@ -279,24 +256,29 @@ public void unstash(String name, FilePath workspace, Launcher launcher, EnvVars
String.format("No such saved stash ‘%s’ found at %s/%s", name, provider.getContainer(), blobPath));
URL url = provider.toExternalURL(blob, HttpMethod.GET);
workspace.act(new Unstash(url));
workspace.act(new Unstash(url, listener));
listener.getLogger().printf("Unstashed file(s) from %s%n", provider.toURI(provider.getContainer(), blobPath));

private static final class Unstash extends MasterToSlaveFileCallable<Void> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final URL url;
private final TaskListener listener;
private final RobustHTTPClient client = JCloudsArtifactManager.client;

Unstash(URL url) throws IOException {
Unstash(URL url, TaskListener listener) throws IOException {
this.url = url;
this.listener = listener;

public Void invoke(File f, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
try (InputStream is = url.openStream()) {
new FilePath(f).untarFrom(is, FilePath.TarCompression.GZIP);
// Note that this API currently offers no count of files in the tarball we could report.
client.connect("download", "download " + RobustHTTPClient.sanitize(url) + " into " + f, c -> c.execute(new HttpGet(url.toString())), response -> {
try (InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent()) {
new FilePath(f).untarFrom(is, FilePath.TarCompression.GZIP);
// Note that this API currently offers no count of files in the tarball we could report.
}, listener);
return null;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,91 +341,4 @@ private BlobStoreContext getContext() throws IOException {
return provider.getContext();

private static final class HTTPAbortException extends AbortException {
final int code;
HTTPAbortException(int code, String message) {
this.code = code;

* Number of upload attempts of nonfatal errors before giving up.
static int UPLOAD_STOP_AFTER_ATTEMPT_NUMBER = Integer.getInteger(JCloudsArtifactManager.class.getName() + ".UPLOAD_STOP_AFTER_ATTEMPT_NUMBER", 10);
* Initial number of milliseconds between first and second upload attempts.
* Subsequent ones increase exponentially.
* Note that this is not a <em>randomized</em> exponential backoff;
* and the base of the exponent is hard-coded to 2.
static long UPLOAD_WAIT_MULTIPLIER = Long.getLong(JCloudsArtifactManager.class.getName() + ".UPLOAD_WAIT_MULTIPLIER", 100);
* Maximum number of seconds between upload attempts.
static long UPLOAD_WAIT_MAXIMUM = Long.getLong(JCloudsArtifactManager.class.getName() + ".UPLOAD_WAIT_MAXIMUM", 300);
* Number of seconds to permit a single upload attempt to take.
static long UPLOAD_TIMEOUT = Long.getLong(JCloudsArtifactManager.class.getName() + ".UPLOAD_TIMEOUT", /* 15m */15 * 60);

private static final ExecutorService executors = JenkinsJVM.isJenkinsJVM() ? Computer.threadPoolForRemoting : Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

* Upload a file to a URL
@SuppressWarnings("Convert2Lambda") // bogus use of generics (type variable should have been on class); cannot be made into a lambda
private static void uploadFile(Path f, URL url, final TaskListener listener, int stopAfterAttemptNumber, long waitMultiplier, long waitMaximum, long timeout) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
String urlSafe = url.toString().replaceFirst("[?].+$", "?…");
try {
AtomicReference<Throwable> lastError = new AtomicReference<>();
retryIfException(x -> x instanceof IOException && (!(x instanceof HTTPAbortException) || ((HTTPAbortException) x).code >= 500) || x instanceof UncheckedTimeoutException).
withRetryListener(new RetryListener() {
public <Void> void onRetry(Attempt<Void> attempt) {
if (attempt.hasException()) {
withWaitStrategy(WaitStrategies.exponentialWait(waitMultiplier, waitMaximum, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).
withAttemptTimeLimiter(AttemptTimeLimiters.fixedTimeLimit(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS, executors)).
build().call(() -> {
Throwable t = lastError.get();
if (t != null) {
listener.getLogger().println("Retrying upload after: " + (t instanceof AbortException ? t.getMessage() : t.toString()));
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setFixedLengthStreamingMode(Files.size(f)); // prevent loading file in memory
try (OutputStream out = connection.getOutputStream()) {
Files.copy(f, out);
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode < 200 || responseCode >= 300) {
String diag;
try (InputStream err = connection.getErrorStream()) {
diag = err != null ? IOUtils.toString(err, connection.getContentEncoding()) : null;
throw new HTTPAbortException(responseCode, String.format("Failed to upload %s to %s, response: %d %s, body: %s", f.toAbsolutePath(), urlSafe, responseCode, connection.getResponseMessage(), diag));
return null;
} catch (ExecutionException | RetryException x) { // *sigh*, checked exceptions
Throwable x2 = x.getCause();
if (x2 instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) x2;
} else if (x2 instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) x2;
} else if (x2 instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw (InterruptedException) x2;
} else { // Error?
throw new RuntimeException(x);


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